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STCSM Provides Efficient Online Manual Service

Source: Science and Technology Daily | 2022-12-07 21:24:55 | Author: Science and Technology Daily


To provide more convenient services for people and enterprises, the Science and Technology Commission of Shanghai Municipality (STCSM) launched an online manual service at the beginning of August for Foreigner's Work Permits in China, identification and registration of technology development contracts.

Enterprises and relevant people may access the service through the "Intelligent Customer Service" on Government Online-Offline Shanghai whenever they have questions, which will be answered by the service hotline respondents within one minute.

In order to optimize its service, STCSM has specified the mechanism and procedure of the online manual service with clear responsibilities. Its service hotline undertakes the services and operation on the solid knowledge base to ensure the reception rate and satisfaction. Relevant business offices and management departments provide business support.

Since August 1, STCSM has accepted a total of 266 cases, including 144 for identification of technology contracts and 122 for Foreigner's Work Permit. The overall call completion rate and one-minute response rate all reached more than 96 percent, and the user satisfaction rate hit 100 percent. This efficient and professional service gives foreign applicants a novel experience and a feeling that they are valued.

Source: STCSM






